Ceilings, Walls & A Sheetrock Lift

The best way to install sheetrock on your ceiling or walls is to use a sheetrock lift.  It is the easiest way to get those heavy sheetrock panels safely to the ceiling or on the walls without much effort on your part.  Your best option may be to rent one if you are doing a one-time drywall installation and you do not plan on doing another one any time soon.  A lift is the best thing to use if you are doing the work yourself.  It doesn’t require more than one person to get the job done efficiently and quickly.

All you have to do is set up the lift and it’s ready to help you with your drywall project.  Most lifts are capable of reaching heights up to 8 feet and many can be extended up even higher.  Most panels are 4’ wide so two fit perfectly on an 8’ wall.  However, some walls are, for example, 9’ tall and require a little pre-planning before the installation process can begin.  It is important to decide where the drywall joints will be and try to cover them up if at all possible. 

When sheetrocking your ceiling, you might want to get a pair of drywall stilts to help you with the job.  They are much better than using an unstable ladder that has to be moved continuously around the room.  Be careful, however, when using stilts because it does require some physical dexterity and there is a chance that you might fall when you’re using them.  They are advantageous because they let you move freely around the room installing, mudding and taping your sheetrock.  And your kids will be amazed at your athletic ability!

A sheetrock lift is a real help for you to have when you are doing any sheetrocking project.  All you have to do is place one sheetrock panel on the base of the unit and crank it up to the desired height you want.  The lift will then keep your sheetrock in place until you get it nailed or screwed into the wall or ceiling.

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